Investment Profile

A proven team aiming to help responsibly meet the world’s growing lithium demand while driving shareholder returns

The Opportunity

Blue Ridge Lithium is an innovative, North-American based lithium company. It is focused on repurposing existing oil assets to develop a high-value, increasingly scarce mineral, and target the creation of long-term sustainable shareholder value.

A sustainable, North American supply of lithium

  • The green energy transition needs lithium, as electric vehicle (EV) roll-out continues.
  • With electric vehicles (EVs) dominating the demand for lithium, the market is experiencing growing unaddressed global shortages of this crucial material.
  • Current U.S. lithium production meets only 2% of global demand, and an insufficient lithium supply is driving robust pricing.
  • A severe shortage of new lithium projects in North America is forcing a reliance on jurisdictions with weak environmental, regulatory, and human rights records.
  • Today’s green energy transition will be impossible without lithium given that mass adoption of EVs will be required for countries to meet established emissions targets.

Investment Overview

We are advancing the clean energy transition by repurposing yesterday’s oil assets for the world’s lithium needs today and over the long-term.

Innovative Approach Supports Returns

  • Data from existing oil wells helps rapidly and efficiently establish large-scale lithium inferred mineral resources.
  • Lower cost structure enhances project economics.

Environmentally Responsible Development

  • DLE brine method reduces environmental impact with enhanced project economics.
  • Potential for carbon-neutrality.
  • Almost all process water used is recycled.

Favourable Supply / Demand Dynamics

  • Lithium demand exponentially growing, driving robust pricing.
  • 2020 demand was 330,000 metric tonnes (mt) forecast to grow to ~1M by 2025

Long Runway of Future Opportunities

  • Quick construction and start-up time, faster product to market (<1 year)
  • No other clean energy technology comes close. It’s anticipated that in 10-15 years, lithium batteries will still lack a clear rival.

Action plans and next steps


Secure Land Rights

  • Circulars ready to be sent to registered land owners
  • Draft lease agreements ready for discussion with Land Owners

Detailed Prospectivity Analysis

  • Stratigraphic correlation of Oriskany based on logs
  • Update structure/depth/isopach maps
  • Map salt water levels as per completion reports

Preliminary Economic Assessment

  • Establish resource estimate
  • Engineering design
  • Construction estimates and production costs


Pre-IPO Financing

  • Fund project development and completion of technical milestones

Finalize Leadership Team

  • Recruit experienced permanent CEO
  • Confirm Board of Directors

Publicly List Shares

  • List shares on a Canadian exchange
  • Continue to search for add-on Li opportunities

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